Host hos Pincho Nation aalborg
Pincho Nation søger Hosts til deltid
Hos Pincho Nation du bliver del af et team med fantastiske kolleger, der kan håndtere stressede situationer med et smil på læben. Vi står altid sammen.
Vi ser teamet er en stor familie, hvor vi støtter hinanden med stort og småt. Vi har mange nationaliteter repræsenteret i vores medarbejderteam og kalder derfor Pincho Nation: ’Home away from home’
Vi tilbyder:
En sjov arbejdsplads
Gode muligheder for udvikling
Et innovativt koncept
Fantastiske kolleger
Om jobbet:
Som Host hos Pincho Nation vil din primære funktion være at have det overordnede overblik over restauranten i service og guide et team af tjenere. Du skal arbejde sammen med køkken og bar for at skabe det bedst mulige team under service. Du vil have meget gæstekontakt og vil bruge meget tid på at velkomme gæsterne indenfor og introducere dem til konceptet. Du vil også skulle håndtere reservationer og andet kundeservice, i et travlt miljø. Dine arbejdstimer vil primært lægge i eftermiddags- og aftentimerne, i weekenderne.
Som Host skal service være en del af dit DNA. Hos Pincho Nation har du mulighed for at yde service til vores gæster i stor stil, og sørge for at alle får en god oplevelse.
Du skal kunne kommunikere på engelsk, da vi er en multikulturel arbejdsplads.
Vi håber du er…
...komfortabel med en rolle med relativt højt ansvarsniveau
...en der har erfaring fra lignende jobs i servicebranchen komfortabel med at arbejde i et travlt miljø
...hurtig og effektiv udadvendt og nyder at tale med gæsterne, og kan skabe en god stemning
...en der kan lide at sælge og foreslå gode retter/drinks til gæsterne
...kollegaen der spreder positiv energi omkring dig
Om Pincho Nation
Pincho Nation er en app restaurant med en ekstravagant indretning, der serverer små retter fra hele verden. Vores drinkskort byder på et udvalg af farverige og traditionelle cocktails og mocktails. Selvom vi har fart på når vi har gæster i restauranten, er det vigtigt at vores gæster stadig kan mærke din personlighed og din lyst til at servicerer.
Lyder det som noget for dig? Søg allerede nu. Sammen skaber vi festen!
Pincho Nation is looking for Hosts parttime
At Pincho Nation you will be part of our fantastic team that can handle stress with a smile. We help each other at all times.
We see the team as a big family where we support each other through thick and thin. We have many nationalities represented in our staff team and therefore we call Pincho Nation: 'Home away from home'
We offer:
A fun workplace
Good opportunities for development
An innovative concept
Great colleagues
About the job:
As a Host at Pincho Nation, your primary function will be to have the overall overview of the restaurant during service and guide a team of waiters. You must work together with kitchen and bar to create the best possible team during service. You will have a close contact with the guests and will spend a lot of time welcoming guests insinde and introducing them to the concept. You will also have to handle reservations and other customer service, in a busy environment. Your working hours will maily be the evening hours, in the weekend.
As a Host, service must be part of your DNA. At Pincho Nation, you have the opportunity to provide service to our guests in a grand style, and ensure that everyone has a good experience.
You must be able to communicate in English, as we are a multicultural workplace.
We hope you are…
...comfortable being a role with a relatively high level of responsibility
...someone who has experience from similar jobs in the service industry
...comfortable working in a busy environment and efficient
...outgoing and enjoys talking to guests, and can create a good atmosphere
...someone who likes to sell and suggest good dishes/drinks to the guests
...the colleague who spreads positive energy around you
Does that sound like something for you? Apply now. Together we create the party!
- Position
- Dining room & Bar
- Role
- Host
- Locations
- Aalborg
Why Pinchos?
Fair employment
We work actively for a good work environment
A fun workplace
With a bunch of wonderful colleagues
Internal training and great development opportunities
So that everyone gets the chance to grow -
Joint events, activities and competitions
For example, our amazing Pinchos gala which is held every year for around 700 employees -
Unlimited amount of popcorn!
Our culture!
Or perhaps more correctly our personality, is something that has to be experienced in order to truly feel. Therefore, it may be a bit tricky to put into words.
But we know that you are encouraged to be yourself, and our common personality is our many personalities.
About Pincho Nation Denmark
Pinchos is a restaurant concept based on a Swedish original idea from Gothenburg. Since 2012 we have steadily expanded to over 80 restaurants in the Nordics. We offer a varied selection of small dishes and colorful drinks. Bringing friends and family to Pinchos should delight all senses.
Host hos Pincho Nation aalborg
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